When Agile Works best diagram

When Agile makes sense?

Unfortunately there is no simple answer in which conditions agile works and in which it doesn’t. So what are the right conditions for Agile? Where to use agile? Table below provides guidance through different conditions which helps to decide which approach is more favorable to be used. Waterfall or Iterative Project Agile Market Read more…

Self-organized, cross-functional teams

What is Agile Development?

Agile is an approach, way of working, a set of principles and also a philosophy. It uses techniques or frameworks such as: Scrum, Kanban, Atern, XP and others. ⓘ Techniques or frameworks mentioned above are often called methodologies but in reality, they are not. Methodology is set of principles and Read more…

Diagram - Why to do regular user research

How to Conduct User Interviews

Why we should talk to the users To explore and get deeper understanding of your users’ problems and needs in order to improve your product. People and their mental models, their activities, the context of use of your product/service and unexpected relations among them. What else should you get from interviews Empathy & Personal Interaction  Capturing Read more…

Techniques Mapped on Quality/Quantity and Behaviour/Attitude Canvas

The Difference Between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research

What is Qualitative Research Typically Qualitative Research uses questions such as “why?”, thus creating hypotheses. The main objective is to gain a broad understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations behind consumer decisions. This is usually the first step of each research. Sample size: small number of respondents Qualitative Research uses unstructured methods of data Read more…

Dual Track Agile Diagram

What is Continuous Product Discovery?

It is a set of decision making techniques which Influences product planning and also affects product strategy. Definition of Continuous Discovery Continuous Discovery is a Product Discovery methodology extended and applied through the product’s lifetime. It happens continuously alongside development. Weekly touch points with customers by the team building the product, where they themselves Read more…

Design Thinking process - Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test

What is Design Thinking?

The definition of the word design is very broad and might a bit confusing. There is Product design, Industrial design, Design systems, Graphic design, User experience design… and on top of many others there is Design thinking. Design Thinking definition Design thinking, brings together three essential areas – what is Read more…