Discuss and decide whether the problem is a valid one to pursue further.

👥 whole team | ⏰ 1 hour


Now the team has reached a critical point—deciding whether to proceed with pursuing the problem. Everything the team has done until now will feed into this decision. In the Go/No-Go Decision, the team evaluates all the available evidence to determine the fate of the problem, in its current incarnation.


After having done the necessary work to understand if your solution is usable and valuable, the team is faced with one of two outcomes:

  1. You’ve validated the solution(s) with your customers. If this is the case, it is ready to be added to the product backlog.
  2. You’ve concluded that one or more of the solutions you’ve tested does not resonate with users. If this is the case, the team must decide to either pivot and test new solution ideas, or move on to a new opportunity altogether.

