Visualize a new business model idea—or rethink your company’s current business model—to highlight key drivers and create a shared understanding.

👥 1 to 6 participants | ⏰ between 15 minutes to several days

Objectives of Business Model Canvas

The mapping of an existing business model, including its strengths and weaknesses, is an essential starting point to improve your current model and/or develop new future models.

This lightweight tool is helpful when starting a new business or creating a new product line to highlight key risks and frame your work.

This is powerful for collaboratively visualizing a business model. Individuals can also use this to quickly sketch out a business idea.

At its best, this exercise helps you develop strategic directions for the future by outlining new and/or improved business models. At the very least, it leads to a refined and shared understanding.


Mapping business models works best when players work on a poster on the wall. You will need:

  • Large print of a Business Canvas Poster
  • Sticky notes in different colours
  • Flip chart markers
  • Camera to capture results

There are several variations of the Business Model Canvas Poster. The one described here is the most basic one, which is the mapping of an existing business model, its assessment, and the formulation of improved or potential new business models.

  1. Start by letting players describe the different customer segments your organisation serves. Players should put up different colour sticky notes on the Canvas Poster for each segment. A group of customers represents a distinct segment if they have distinct needs and you offer them distinct value propositions (e.g. a newspaper serves readers and advertisers), or if they require different channels, customer relationships, or revenue streams.
  2. Players should map out the value propositions that your organisation offers each customer segment, using same colour sticky notes for value propositions and customer segments that go together. If a value proposition targets two different customer segments, use sticky note colours of both.
  3. Then players map out the remaining building blocks of your business model with sticky notes. Always try to use the colours of the related customer segments.
  4. When the the whole business model is mapped, players can start assessing its strengths and weaknesses by putting up green (strength) and red (weakness) sticky notes alongside the strong and weak elements.
  5. Based on the visualisation of your mapped out business model, players can now either try to improve the existing business model or generate new alternative business models. Ideally, players use one or several additional Business Model Canvas Posters to map out improved business models or new alternatives.

What is the business model canvas

Download the business model canvas template


Related Techniques

The Value Proposition Canvas is based on two blocks from the Business Model Canvas: the Value Proposition and the Customer Segment.

Source:,, Leanstack