Comb through your storyboards and look for conflicts—where there are two or more different approaches to solving the same problem. 

👥 whole team | ⏰ between 30 and 60 minutes


Comb through everyone’s storyboards from your storyboarding session, and look for conflicts. A conflict is a place where there are two or more different approaches to solving the same problem. Conflicting approaches are super helpful because they illuminate the choices for your product. 

Each conflict is like a little gold mine. In business-as-usual design, designers often end up picking one approach and going straight to high resolution. 


  1. Post everyone’s storyboards up on the wall, side-by-side. 
  2. Every time you find a conflict, write it down. 
  3. Put the topic and solutions on sticky notes. 
  4. Map out your decision points, and you may even want to explore a few conflicting ideas in parallel instead of immediately committing to a safe choice. 


Google Ventures,